An article published in yesterday's Globe and Mail revealed that a disappointing 60% of Twitter users deactivate their accounts within the first month of signing up. Now I won't gloat about my net savvy ways because frankly, I'm fairly new to social networking sites myself. However, I've found Twitter to be incredibly useful and often insightful. I've been able to follow journalists and other affiliates of the media and I've sent many of them direct messages asking them for their advice about succeeding in broadcasting. Global TV's Leslie Roberts was remarkably helpful and responded really quickly (check out Leslie on News Hour Final at 11, he does a segment where he reads tweets and I manage to make cameo appearances a few times a week).
I understand where people are coming from when they Twitter-bash; the site does seem like the verbatim of narcissists. Globe reader, Mojo Nixon, posted his comment in response to the article, "The continuous status updates on twitter (and those on Facebook as well) appear to be for those addicted to empty boasting about how great things are, and how exciting their life is. How adolescent. No one cares; please grow up."
Frivolous banter is exchanged between one another (face-to-face), at least that's what my conversations entail when I am not discussing precautionary measures taken to ensure H1N1, formally Swine, influenza is not spread and other 'important' non-boasting topics. It's evident that Mojo Nixon is obviously not following the right people; I don't think I follow one person who mindlessly tweets about themself all day. Matt Singley is one of my favourite people to follow (@mattsingley); he is a social media analyst offering comprehensive information about, well, social media. He recently posted a blog entry titled, '5 Ways to Follow Good People on Twitter' which was super helpful and a must for anyone new to Twitter.
Here my 5 ways to know if your Twitmance will work:
1 - Can answer the question 'What are you doing?' in 140 characters?
2 - Are you keen on being in-the-know about news, music, technology, food etc?
3 - Is networking a asset in your job field?
4 - Do you like reading opinions and giving yours?
5 - Do you know what @replies, RT's, DM@, #followfriday's, #musicmonday's are?
If you answered yes to all of the above then its in the stars for you and Twitter.
Don't forget to follow me -
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